Confidently pass your exam and become a Certified Meeting Professional (CMP)

Now, more than ever, it's time to focus on YOU and level up what you have to offer.

If you're in the events industry, you know the CMP designation is a badge of excellence and tells the world that you have what it takes to plan an event.

Don't know where to start? Feeling overwhelmed, unorganized or scared?

When implemented correctly, you'll be confident, educated, and excited about passing your CMP exam.


Introducing Pathway to Passing 

The best way to study for CMP Certification

       A virtual learning environment focused on laying your foundation

Personalized study framework based on your schedule

Learning from a desktop or on the go with a mobile app

Materials presented for different learning styles 

Low monthly payment plan for those who need it

Become a Certified Meeting Professional

You are ready for CMP Certification if any of these below apply to you

 You want big results and the confidence to know you will only take this exam once

 You're willing to put in the work if someone can set up the framework for you

 You know you have to start believing in yourself and putting yourself first

 You're willing to get outside of your comfort zone and take charge of your future now

I see you and I've got you!

I will give you the tools, inspiration, and confidence to move forward one small step at a time. 

All the CMP study materials included

Studying for CMP Certification can be fun and easy with small steps


  • On-demand videos at your own pace and on your schedule
  • 25 clock-hours of education needed for the CMP application
  • Pre-recorded in-depth review for all 9 domains
  • Printable PowerPoint presentations for each domain
  • Domain and Glossary terms practice quizzes 
  • Domain assignments to apply what you learn
  • Deep-dive into event formulas
  • Practice exam with 165 questions
  • Goal setting & time management
  • Tips on how to learn and study
  • Guidance on when and how to apply
  • A private group with other Pathway members
  • "Expressway to Passing" 7-day CMP crash course
  • Lifetime access to all materials and continued education
  • Oh, good you are still with me. FUN! There will be FUN!


One time payment


cmp certification and how to become a cmp

Online courses to help you study so you can become a certified meeting professional or certified meeting planner

Imagine yourself as a Certified Meeting Professional in 2025

Now that you have your CMP Certificate how has your career changed?

Did you get a promotion or start making more money? Imagine an upcoming networking event, and your badge has the letters CMP following your name. Can you see how confident you are carrying yourself now and proud that you achieved this high honor? What is still possible for you now that you have proved that you can accomplish something like this? I know when I received my passing score, it sparked and ignited this motivation to dream bigger and go bigger. What does this look like for you?

Even though the reasons to become a CMP are apparent, the path to doing it successfully is not as simple. Even with the best intentions, most people end up paralyzed along the way, allowing themselves to abandon the process. They fall victim to the time commitment and do too much at once or cram right before the exam because they kept putting off studying.
Even if you started the process but never finished or didn't pass the exam before, I've shown you it's not a YOU problem; it was a PROCESS problem. I have your back this time, and I can help you along the way.
If you're ready to finally go after your dream to become a CMP once and for all, then I invite you to enroll in Pathway to Passing.

You got this!

I say this a lot, but it's true. When we become adults, we don't get that much support in the form of cheerleading or reminders that we can do hard things.  We doubt ourselves way too much and end up listening to the doubting voice in our head instead of the voice in our heart. I'm rooting for you, and if you can keep the focus and keep on the path, it will lead to amazing results.

I have experienced firsthand what it's like to doubt myself or put others first in front of what I wanted. If you have been in events for more than 3 years and have wanted to become a CMP, you owe it to yourself to take this risk-free plunge and start putting yourself and your dreams first.

Becoming a CMP has transformed my life and given me the confidence to know that my clients are getting the BEST when working with me. It also showed me that I was smart enough to pass an exam known for being very hard to pass the first time taking it. It's my badge of honor, and I want that for you too.

Should you choose to accept my invitation, I guarantee that finally becoming a CMP will not only change the way you plan meetings it will change who you are as a person.

Let's go on this journey together, and I will help you take that one small step to move you forward towards the best version of you!

I can't wait to celebrate with you!

Tanya Roof, CMP, CASE


50% Complete

Two Step

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